Gratitude and Reflection on the Gifts of 2023

As we reach December, reflecting on the past year is an integral part of preparing for the approaching one. 2023…...
December 1, 2023

Gratitude and Reflection on the

Gifts of 2023

As we reach December, reflecting on the past year is an integral part of preparing for the approaching one. 2023 has been a year filled with invaluable lessons, growth, and moments that have reshaped not just my life, but hopefully yours as well. Here are five aspects within the world of finance that I am immensely thankful for this year:

  1. Resilience Amidst Market Volatility: The unwavering resilience of many of you during market fluctuations has been truly inspiring. Despite uncertainties and economic shifts, many of you have shown remarkable adaptability, staying focused on your long-term financial goals. You have shown that if you have secured your retirement income, you can maintain your plan during uncertain times. Many of you have listened to our advice and agreed with our strategic approach to your retirement planning. We don’t say this enough: Thank You.
  2. Increased Financial Education: We offered and many of you have taken the time to learn something new. This year, we have witnessed a growing emphasis on financial literacy. More of our clients are seeking knowledge and understanding about their plans. This heightened focus on education not only fosters informed decision-making, but increases your willingness to share what you have learned with others and brought many of your friends to our office.
  3. Community Support and Collaboration: Amid some challenges this year, I am thankful for your help, support, and collaboration in a variety of ways. Some of you helped up with charitable giving. More of you helped us reach our fundraising goals or participated in our fundraising events. Most recently, you came to our office and helped us gather food for those in need. I am continually in awe of the kindness of the people we work with on a daily basis.
  4. Changes and Adaptability: The saying “The New Normal” comes to mind. The last year has seen interest rates rise faster than imagined, inflation pains, market volatility, and on and on. It seems like change is the new normal, and you have been willing to adapt to all of it. This was the year of  new financial products to creative solutions addressing market changes. Because of clients like you, we have been able to adapt our plans to take this volatility into account.
  5. Donuts: No matter what is happening in the world, the stock market, or our daily lives, we have donuts. My two favorites are a maple long john and a glazed old fashion. Regardless of what you are feeling, donuts have the power to make you smile. Have you ever seen an unhappy person buying donuts? Nope. I am thankful for the Dutch immigrants that came to New York in the late 1800s and the cakes they brought with them. Retirement can be happier with a donut.

As I express gratitude for these elements shaping our retirement planning  landscape, it’s important to recognize that challenges often bring opportunities for growth. These experiences, both positive and challenging, have increased my understanding of the financial world and fortified my commitment to guiding you toward your financial aspirations, so you can live your best life now and into retirement.

Looking ahead, I am excited about the possibilities the future holds. My dedication to assisting and supporting you and all my clients in their financial journeys remains resolute. May the spirit of gratitude and resilience that defines this year accompany us into the upcoming chapters of our financial endeavors.


Fourth-Quarter Financial Tips

Fourth-Quarter Financial Tips

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