Safeguarding Your Finances Post-MOVEit Breach

In light of recent events like the MOVEit security breach, the importance of cybersecurity has never been more evident...
August 29, 2023

Safeguarding Your Finances
Post moveit breach

cybersecurity safety tips

In light of recent events like the MOVEit security breach, the importance of cybersecurity has never been more evident. When these breaches happen to companies like TD Ameritrade or a large insurance company, it is important to know that your assets and your accounts have not been harmed in any way. A third-party vendor was given specific information that did not include passwords to your online accounts. The volubility was with the vendor, not with the main company that holds your money.

As a financial professional, I understand the critical need to protect your financial assets and personal information from cyber threats. I’ve compiled a set of essential cybersecurity safety tips that will not only secure your finances, but also help shield you from vulnerabilities exposed by breaches like MOVEit. Let’s explore these strategies to ensure your financial well-being in an increasingly interconnected world.


  1. Strengthen Your Passwords: Ensure that your passwords are intricate, incorporating a blend of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Learn from the breach and avoid using easily guessable information. Opt for strong passphrases that are harder for hackers to crack.
  2. Embrace Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): With MFA, you add an extra layer of protection to your accounts. In the wake of the MOVEit breach, consider enabling MFA wherever possible. This precaution necessitates multiple forms of verification, making it considerably harder for cybercriminals to breach your accounts.
  3. Approach Suspicious Communication Cautiously: Be extra vigilant about suspicious phone calls, emails, texts, or websites. Cybercriminals often use these mediums to deceive you into revealing personal information. Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.
  4. Monitor Account Regularly: The number of companies and systems affected by this latest breach are still being counted. Get in the habit of consistently reviewing your bank and credit card statements. Promptly identify and address any unauthorized transactions to mitigate potential damage early.
  5. Be Mindful About Sharing Personal Information: Validate the legitimacy and security of people who call you with some of your personal information and who ask for you to verify even more. This is also true of emails taking you to websites asking for sensitive data. If you are the least bit uncertain, don’t do it—especially in financial contexts.
  6. Consider Cyber Insurance: In the wake of breaches like MOVEit, contemplating cyber insurance becomes relevant. Evaluate your insurance options to secure an additional layer of protection against potential financial losses resulting from cyberattacks.


Conclusion: In the aftermath of a security breach, the urgency of robust cybersecurity practices cannot be overstated. By adhering to these cybersecurity safety tips, you’re taking a proactive stance against cyber threats that could compromise your financial well-being. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and remember that seeking professional guidance from cybersecurity experts or financial advisors can provide additional insights tailored to your specific situation. Your financial security remains a priority, and these precautions will go a long way to safeguarding it.
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